For many of us, the thought of swimming in the open water of the ocean may feel unnatural and scary. The experience can rouse a sense of uncertainty: of not knowing what is beneath, and being – at least to some degree - at the mercy of Mother Nature. So what makes swimmers fall in love with the open water? Some mention the feeling of freedom in the water, others the exhilaration of the cold or the feeling of accomplishment after many months of training has led to a successful swim. What is clear is that all of these factors indicate the contribution open water swimming can have to our general wellbeing. Recently I spent time with a number of female open water swimmers from my home in Guernsey. Many of these women swim all year round, come rain or shine. Some train professionally as endurance swimmers, competing in competitions, whilst others simply enjoy the opportunity to spend time together; forging lifelong friendships with the ever deepening open water swimming community. >>